
Boost Your Skills While We Are Staying Home Due To COVID-19


Boost Your Skills While We Are Staying Home Due To COVID-19

Regardless of where you are in your career, there is always room to learn new skills. The workforce is changing rapidly, and you want to be up to date with everything. With this extra time due to COVID-19 and everyone staying home, what better to do than to boost your skills? There are so many virtual options you can use that this will be a great benefit for you career.

Below are four ways you can enhance your skills while at home:


Extra time provides a great opportunity to do some research on which skills and requirements that could advance your career. A great way to start is by looking online at job postings or speaking to people in your industry. This will allow you to capture common skills, certifications and education requirements for your dream job. You also can take stock of your current skills. Is there something you need to enhance? Do you feel like you need to get better at a certain program?

Online Courses

There is a plethora of online courses you can take to help improve your skills. And did I say there are many FREE ones? Yes, I said free! Online courses are a great way for you to refresh your knowledge and also learn new skills. Courses such as Linux, Google Analytics Academy, Microsoft Virtual Academy, General Assembly and much more are just a few places that offer online courses but if you do the research there are plenty of programs that can benefit you and your career.


Not only do you have the availability to take online courses but there are a lot of virtual webinars that can be quite useful for many. There are great ways to learn about specific topics and they usually last about 60 minutes. You will also gain a different perspective on certain topics and be able to engage with other participants online as well.

Skill Programs

With the availability of so many online courses, webinars, blog content, etc. it makes it easy for you to learn about different topics, skills, etc. to enhance your overall experience. You may wonder how you are able to practice the new skills you have learned. There are a ton of programs that allow you to you do this. At Amerit, we use IBM Talent Suite, to encourage our employees to practice and improve on certain skills such as Excel, PowerPoint, Word, typing etc. This is a great tool for you to use to analyze your improvements and determine if what you are doing is working.